how we invest

index funds

Investment in index funds tracking the S&P 500 and FTSE Global All Cap indices are minimally-volatile, low-risk investments. Investments in these funds are an investment in the global economy and their growth is tied to the growth of the global economy.

investment breakdown

global development

The greatest potential for economic growth exist in areas where it is most hindered by preventable socio-political and logistic conditions. Developing economies need proper health infrastructure, education systems, security and freedom from corruption to contribute to global economic growth. These problems can and will be solved with funds from high-income countries. By investing in developing economies we maximise global economic growth and maximise the growth of our index fund investments.

A variety of programs are supported for their potential in deconstructing the existing barriers to economic growth

investment breakdown

venture capital

Henry A.C.H. diversifies its portfolio with investment in a wide range of ventures. These assets include cryptocurrency, alternative oil and art projects. As well as diversifying the Henry A.C.H. portfolio, these assets are designed be of public interest and so act as a marketing tool by drawing public attention to the Henry A.C.H. group.

investment breakdown

invest with us

Henry A.C.H. supports both individual and corporate capital portfolios. An investment with Henry A.C.H. is an investment in a modern, global economy
